Panel, Conferences, Discussions, Networking – Sharing ideas and expertise !
The event is organized by Synergie Santé Environnement
with the special participation of the Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare


Conference participants are responsible for the environmental health and sustainable development in their institution : heads of departments, representatives of hygiene and sanitation, directors of technical services, doctors, researchers, representatives of NGOs…

  • Free event for health professionals and environmental specialists
  • Simultaneous interpretation services available on site
  • Registration required
  • Targeted booths / Exhibition on the site
  • Eco-friendly event

7:00 AM

Annual general meeting of Synergie Santé Environnement – Open to all!

The conference will be preceded by SSE’s Annual General Meeting, which will provide an opportunity to present the projects carried out by SSE’s team last year, present the organization’s financial statements, have the 2019-2020 action plan and budget adopted by the members in good standing and, finally, elect the organization’s directors. If you wish to renew your membership or become a member, please click on the following link. Please note that there will be no simultaneous interpretation for the annual general meeting

8:00 AM

Registration & breakfast hosted by

8:30 AM

Welcoming address, presentation of the complete event schedule

Jean Zigby, MD, President
Synergie Santé Environnement (SSE)


Dr. Jean Zigby is a family physician and palliative care specialist with a broad practice base including breastfeeding, perinatal and home care. He was trained at McGill University and is currently practicing at the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal. He has practiced in hospital, clinic, rural and home-based environments for over 15 years in the province of Québec. He is the co-founder of the not-for-profit business Synergie Santé Environnement, an organization which works with healthcare institutions to improve their environmental impacts in Quebec. He is the past president of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.

9:00 AM

Why is the Nordics frontrunners in sustainable healthcare, examples, history and future

Daniel Eriksson, Founder
Johannes Brundin, Project Manager, Energy and Climatesmart Healthcare
Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare


Daniel is the founder of NCSH and has been working within the area of sustainable healthcare for almost 15 years. He has participated in numerous projects and is working with sustainable healthcare all over the world. Some of the current projects involve climate and energy efficient healthcare with focus on internationalization as well as sustainability in life sciences. He is a well-known speaker and has trained thousands of nurses, doctors and other staff members in sustainable healthcare. Daniel has also performed a vast number of internal environmental audits (ISO 14001 and environmental legislations) at hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

Mr. Johannes Brundin is a co-founder and project manager at the Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare, NCSH. Johannes is currently working on the project Platform for internationalization of sustainable healthcare. He has previously been involved in several projects with NCSH such as Sustainable Healthcare, Innovation Cluster-Energy and Premium Light. With his experience in the field of electrical engineering he has extensive knowledge on how to create a more energy efficient healthcare. He has organized several green tech visits and is an acclaimed international speaker on the topic of sustainable healthcare.

9:25 AM

Preparing health care facilities for the impacts of climate change

Recent heat waves, floods, wildfires, and extreme weather events in Canada have impacted health as well as health care facilities’ operations. Examples include temporary closure of hospitals, clinics and outpatient services, damages to infrastructure and building envelopes, supply chain interruptions and disruption to critical infrastructure including power, communications, and transportation. The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is helping health care facilities to adapt to climate change and to increase their resilience to its effects. This presentation will provide examples of the Coalition’s climate change initiatives including: the Health Care Facility Climate Change Resiliency Checklist and Mentoring program; the Green Hospital Scorecard. and developing guidance for health care professionals on climate change action at health care facilities through our work with Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment.  

Neil Ritchie, Executive Director
Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care


As Executive Director, Neil leads a coalition of health care organizations and partners that are supporting the development of green health care in Canada.  Previously, he has led the Green Health Leaders Initiative for the Coalition which focused on enabling health executives, physician leaders and board members to become better environmental stewards. Neil is also an experienced health care executive who has worked as a CEO, Chief Operating Officer and Vice President of large, multi-site academic teaching centers, regional health authorities and community hospitals in Canada. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Dalhousie University and a Masters in Health Services Administration from the University of Alberta.

9:55 AM

Presentations made by Nordic companies:

Energy Machines

The Intelligent Geothermal Energy Machines System – a Turn Key Renewable Heating and Cooling solution for Hospitals with Jens Termén – Energy Machines, Stefan Swartling – LKAB Wassara and Göran Hellström – NeoEnergy Sweden AB

Schneider Electric’s Healthcare

Energy Smart Healthcare – technology touchpoints and data-driven insights, with Irina Lindquist, Healthcare Segment Manager, Nordic Zone

More info !

Energy Machines

This is the story of the next generation fossil free heating and cooling systems for Hospitals. A system utilizing renewable energy stored in the ground underneath the hospital. The technology builds on the experience from numerous installations at Swedish hospitals. In a new intelligent design approach integrating Energy Machines’ unique control system and heat pump designs with LKAB Wassaras’ innovative water hammer and industrial drilling technology we can ensure high, and more importantly predictable, performance of installed systems. Thus, enabling verified reduction of CO2-emissions. Jens Termén is director at Energy Machines, an innovative engineering company and manufacturer of heat pumps, dedicated to eliminating fossil fuels in building HVAC. Stefan Swartling is business developer at LKAB Wassara, a subsidiary to the state-owned Swedish mining company LKAB. Prof GöranHellström is a physicistand inventor of the ground source heat exchanger used in the Intelligent Geothermal Energy Machines System. Together we are proud to provide turnkey renewable heating and cooling systems for Hospitals. Our joint venture is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency.

Biography of Irina Lindquist

Irina is Schneider Electric’s Healthcare Segment Manager for the Nordic Zone. Prior to her joining Schneider Electric, she held the role of Director Operations for Northern Adelaide Hospital Network, in Australia, and has coordinated a complex portfolio of capital investment and operations, including the management of internal systems and processes, for all performance and sustainability aspects of critical building infrastructure, supporting reliable healthcare service. She is currently leading the healthcare segment strategy development and implementation for Schneider Electric operations in Europe’s Nordic Zone. Irina’s extensive healthcare experience and domain knowledge drives Schneider Electric’s Healthcare approach towards relevance in healthcare context, business & technology alignment. Irina has 20 years experience in operational management in Europe and Australia, focusing on strategy, innovation and business development. She has significant professional interest in the multi-disciplinary integration and collaboration, bringing together improved process efficiencies, discreet interactions with technology, functionality, capability and healthcare optimal operations. She holds a Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Computer Science, Master of Business Administration and currently pursuing the Healthcare Innovation Leadership Challenge with Technical University in Denmark.

10:15 AM

Coffee Break

10:30 AM

Climate and health: What do we know about health risks here and elsewhere?

This presentation will identify the main risks related to climate change in Quebec and elsewhere in the world; present current and future exposures (2050 horizon) for the main hazards; describe some social inequalities in risk exposure and adaptive capacity; and identify some existing and developing concrete adaptation tools.

Pierre Gosselin MD MPH
Pierre Gosselin currently works mostly at the Quebec Public Health Institute (INSPQ)


Pierre Gosselin currently works mostly at the Quebec Public Health Institute (INSPQ) on climate change issues. He coordinated the joint Ouranos-INSPQ research program in climate change and health from 2004 to 2019.  He was also in charge of the Health component of the Quebec Action Plan on Climate Change (2007-2017) and remains involved in several projects. He is clinical professor in preventive medicine at Université Laval and associate at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique. Pierre was trained as a physician (Laval U.) and in environmental health (U. of California at Berkeley) and has been director for 22 years of the WHO Collaborating Center on environmental and occupational health at the Québec City University Hospital, leading projects worldwide.

Unfortunately, this conference was cancelled.

11:00 AM

The impact of climate change on human health

During this presentation we will discuss the impact of climate change on human health. We will limit ourselves to our regions (Quebec – Canada), and will illustrate what this means for the health system, especially for our local emergencies. The topics to be covered will be: vulnerable populations, chronic health problems most at risk of deteriorating, extreme heat morbidity and mortality, impacts of deteriorating air and water quality, zoonoses, impacts of extreme weather events.

Éric Notebaert, MD, Vice President
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE)

  • Emergency Physician CIUSSS NIM
  • Clinician Scientist
  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal
  • VP, Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment
  • President, Environment Committee of the «Association des Médecins d’Urgence du Québec»
  • President, «Comité Santé Durable de Médecins Francophones du Canada»
  • Main interests in health and environment: energy issues, transportation, ‘green transformation of the CISSS

11:30 AM

Presentations made by Nordic companies


A new way of packaging waste – Reduce plastic & Save CO2 with Ida Virtala, Global Area Manager – Healthcare, RN MSc, specialist in Cancer Care


The Positive Impact of Humancentric Materials To Human Health with Robert John, President & Founder of Eco Key LTD presents TERRAFORM and BioBreather



Ida Virtala has 19 years’ experience as a nurse, 16 years within oncology at SkåneUniversity hospital, Sweden. Except from her experience being a clinical nurse she was responsible for educating nurses in safe handling of cytotoxic drugs and taking care of the waste. Since 5 years she is working in the Swedish company, Paxxo, producing innovative waste handling and packaging solutions. The production is based in Sweden and she is responsible for Paxxo products within healthcare segment. She has the opportunity to reach outside Sweden´s boarders to discuss how to handle waste from a sustainable perspective both in the perspective of reducing the risk of hazardous exposure but also how to reduce the amount of plastic bags when handling the enormous amount of waste, created in hospitals.

Robert John has been working in the area of Indoor Air Quality for the past 20 years. After a long career as Finland’s Country Manager for a European Air Cleaning System he moved on to invent a new type of indoor air quality meter which is currently being developed by a Finnish team. BioBreather will see the light of day as a working prototype for lab conditions in 2020 and will be a major game changer in sustainable and humancentric construction design once deployed on the market. Currently he actively leads a business which helps companies that are mission driven to better communicate their sustainability goals to their respective end customers. Eco Key LTD offers an array of scientific test and consultation services, especially their own Signature TERRAFORM Certification, which helps to separate truly sustainable products with humancentric function from the rest.

12:00 PM

Lunch sponsored by

1:15 PM

Environmental Impact of Anesthesia and Solutions

Jodi Sherman, MD , Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences)
Yale University



Jodi Sherman is Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at Yale School of Medicine, and Associate Professor of Epidemiology in Environmental Health Sciences and Affiliate Faculty of the Climate Change and Health Initiative at the Yale School of Public Health, and Director of Sustainability in Anesthesiology at Yale-New Haven Hospital.  Dr. Sherman is an internationally recognized researcher and educator in the emerging field of sustainability in clinical care.  Her research interest is in life cycle assessment (LCA) of environmental emissions, human health impacts, and economic impactsof drugs, devices, clinical care pathways, and health systems. Her work seeks to establish sustainability metrics, paired with health outcomes and costs, to help guide clinical decision-making and professional behaviors toward more ecologically sustainable practices to improve the quality, safety and value of clinical care and to protect public health. Dr. Sherman routinely collaborates with environmental engineers, epidemiologists, toxicologists, health economists, health administrators, health professionals, and sustainability professionals.

1:45 PM

Climate mitigation and adaptation in health care

Region Stockholm has worked since the beginning of the 1990s to continuously decrease the environmental impact of healthcare. The climate work has developed from minimizing direct climate aspects as for example medical gases to reducing the climate footprint from medical devices, textiles and plastics using sustainable criteria in procurement. The hot summer of 2018 put unexpected pressure on the health care system in Stockholm – resulting in new guidelines and adaption plans.

Charlotta Brask, Head of Sustainability
Region Stockholm



Charlotta Brask has worked with sustainability issues within the health and public transport sector for nearly 15 years and holds a master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry from Lund University. In her role, Charlotta is responsible for overall and strategic environmental and social sustainability issues as well as for the process of monitoring economic sustainability in the Stockholm region – which has reduced its climate footprint by 70% since 1990.

2:15 PM

The C2DS, a network to federate and mobilize French healthcare and support actors around the challenges of sustainable development in healthcare

Carbon audit : from theory to practice

Carbon footprint, also known as «BEGES –  Bilan d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre» in French, allows a detailed analysis of GHG emissions by scope in order to identify and mobilize the sources of emission reductions. Several scopes (1, 2 and 3) create different levels of analyses. Areas for improvement are then prioritized according to their technical feasibility for implementation. Recommendations for user behavior are also proposed. Several scenarios can be used to anticipate the evolution of fossil fuel prices and the implementation of GHG emissions taxes to inform management on possible strategic orientations.

Karine Chagnes, General Delegate, C2DS
Agathe Barret, Label Manager, Primum non nocere




Karine Chagnes holds a DEUG in Applied Foreign Languages and a BTS in Trilingual Management Assistant. She joined the operational team of the Committee for Sustainable Development in Health in 2012. After ten years of experience in the tertiary sector, her personal career path prompted her to rethink her professional orientation and focus on people, health and the environment at the heart of her concerns. She became General Delegate of the C2DS in 2016, and relies on a multidisciplinary team to implement the Board of Directors’ strategy in order to help health and medico-social institutions structure their sustainable development approach.

A graduate of «SciencesPo», Agathe Barret specializes, during her master’s degree, in sustainable development, consultation and foresight. It is in 2015, during an internship at Synergie Santé Environnement, that she associates her two professional hearts: health and the environment. With this experience, she joined Primum Non Nocere, a consulting agency specializing in sustainable development in healthcare, as a development manager. Through collective work, she developed the «THQSE quality label», which combines environmental health and social responsibility, and allows committed institutions to crown their approach, but also and above all, to inform users.

2:45 PM

Financing smart energy and climate projects

Platform for internationalization: smart healthcare for energy and climate

Hans Nyqvist, Business Developer, International Markets
Swedish Energy Agency

  • Swedish energy Agency, International Business development
  • CEO, IHS Towers, Ivory Coast, 2015-2017
  • ERicsson AB, Country manager, Key account manager, 1994-2015
  • (India, France, Algeria, Tunisia, Ethiopia, Jamaica, West Africa, Sweden)
  • Business Consultant, Swedish Trade Council, France 1992-1993
  • Scanditronix AB, Uppsala, Sales manager, europe & USA,1989-1992

Education:  Master of Science, Linkoping university, Sweden  1984-1989

3:00 PM

Joint Nordic effort to sustainability and quality of life

Nordic Innovation is an organization under Nordic Council of Ministers, working to promote cross-border trade and innovation. Nordic Innovation provides support for projects and programs to stimulate innovation and works to improve framework conditions for Nordic markets and exports. The presentation will demonstrate how the Nordics are jointly striving to become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world. Since 2018 – Health, Demography and Quality of Life has been one of three main themes Nordic Innovation is focusing on.

Thordur Reynisson, Senior Innovation Advisor
Nordic Innovation


Thordur Reynisson is a lawyer holding a LLM degree from McGill University. He is a senior innovation advisor at Nordic Innovation where he is responsible for the Health, Demography and Quality of Life program at Nordic Innovation. Thordur has extensive experience in project management, international investment contracts and advisory and resource management. Previouslyhe worked for the Ministry of Industries and Innovation in Iceland as a deputy director at the department of Energy, Industry and Business Affairs. He was responsible for investment contracts for some of the largest initial investments in Iceland. He has been a board member of several notable Icelandic companies and has a sound academic experience as a university teacher. He is a firm believer of Nordic cooperation and strives to make the Nordics the most sustainable and integrated health region in the world, providing the best possible personalized health care for all its citizens.

15:15 PM

Coffee Break

15:30 PM

Panel and extended exchanges between the speakers and the participants, moderated by Jean Zigby and Daniel Eriksson + Closing messages

17:00 PM


Lists of all exhibitors


Blue-Zone Technologies Ltd., a Canadian company, has the proprietary and patented technology to capture and recover halogenated anesthetic drugs through their Deltasorb® and Centralsorb® Anesthetic Collection Services and then purify the drugs for resale. Deltasorb® and Centralsorb® create monthly revenue from participating hospitals and are currently used in over 200 hospital operating rooms. The purified anesthetic drug is sold to manufacturers, resellers and eventually hospitals from our fully operational plant which processes and produces bulk pure anesthetic drug substance.



CARTaGENE is the Québec’s population cohort and biobank. This unique resource, hosted by CHU Sainte-Justine, includes more than 43,000 participants from Québec. Health data, lifestyle and biological samples are collected to accelerate health research and reduce costs. CARTaGENE is available to all researchers wishing to study the onset of diseases or to better understand the role of the environment on health. You are all welcome to visit the booth to learn more and ask all your questions!


CHU Saint-Justine

To come


Energy Machines

The world is facing an energy revolution in which innovative technologies and renewable energy are crucial. Energy Machines is at the forefront of this revolution, pioneering a more sustainable energy future for commercial real estate. Our unique combination of hardware, software, and support uses energy stored in the ground and water to produce heating, cooling and domestic hot water more efficiently and cleanly than otherwise possible. Our solutions minimize the environmental impact of commercial real estate and boost profitability and property values.

Energy Machines


Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare

The Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare (NCSH) are aiming to: Raise the status and awareness of sustainable healthcare; Boost innovation and investments in sustainable healthcare; Bring world class solutions and ideas to the Nordics and Deliver Nordic solutions & knowledge to the world. NCSH is a cross sectoral arena for stakeholders, organizations, projects and expert knowledge in the area of sustainable healthcare. NCSH is an umbrella organization for companies, hospitals, regions, universities, projects and competence. NCSH generates collaboration, projects, business, knowledge and ideas.

Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare




PAXXO is a family owned company that was founded in Sweden in 1980. Our business mission is to develop and produce a sustainable bagging system – Longopac. The PaxxoLongopac system enables smarter waste handling and innovative packaging applications creating smarter and better work environments for professionals. This innovative bagging system, which now has a global market, is based on an extremely thin and strong 3 layer polyethylene material. Headquarters for sales, production and R&D is located in Malmö, Sweden. A sales office with warehouse is located in Atlanta, USA. PAXXO iscertificated in compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14 001.



Primum non nocere

Primum non nocere® is an expert agency in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – or organisations and more generally sustainable development strategy. The agency supports companies and local authorities in their Corporate Social Responsibility approach. Primum non nocere® carries out CSR diagnostics, technical studies: energy audit, carbon assessment, waste diagnostics, purchasing, etc. with the provision of appropriate tools and indicators. Primum non nocere® also brings its «strong» expertise in the health sector by supporting clinics and hospitals in obtaining HAS certification and quality labels.

Primum non nocere


Stryker is one of the world’s leading medical technology companies and, together with our customers, is driven to make healthcare better. We offer innovative products and services in Orthopaedics, Medical and Surgical, and Neurotechnology and Spine that help improve patient and hospital outcomes.



Trane is a business of Ingersoll Rand, a global diversified industrial firm providing products, services and solutions to enhance the quality and comfort in homes and buildings, transport and protect food and perishables, secure homes and commercial properties, and enhance industrial productivity and efficiency.With Trane you can enhance your healthcare facility’s physical environment and improve its financial and clinical performance. Our approach links patient outcomes, staff satisfaction and the bottom line.


Voyagez Futé / Moba

We hold an expertise in sustainable mobility and propose solutions to reduce solo driving. Our dynamic team provides a flexible service offer with personalised support and diversified partnerships.

Voyagez Futé / Moba



We have the resources to offer you a turnkey project. We offer organic residue characterization services, feasibility studies, engineering for the installation of equipment installation sites, user training, technical support, annual equipment maintenance and repairs.

Wakan Environment offers three different technologies to meet the specific needs of our customers. Each site in unique because of its operational logistics, the nature of the organic materials to be treated, as well as the management needs of the final material obtained following its decomposition. We propose organic matter management through thermal dehydration, aerobic digestion and composting.

  • Hungry Giant thermal dehydrators: the series comes in nine (9) models with processing capacities between 30 kg and 1,000 kg/day of putrescible organic materials.
  • BioNova aerobic digesters: The series is available in six (6) models with processing capacities between 100 kg and 5,000 kg/day of putrescible organic materials.
  • CityPod aerobic composters: The series consists of four (4) models with treatment capacities between 40 kg and 400 kg/day of putrescible organic materials.




Xinix is a Swedish company started in 1993, with the aim to continue and further develop the activities based on an invention and method for forming a stabilized aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide, a gas, which is well-documented as one of the most effective disinfectants known today. The hub of the company’s operations is two main areas of innovation: Water Disinfection Hand and Surface Disinfection. The company’s products are already used successfully for water disinfection by a number of well-known companies and organizations all over the world.


Registrations are closed !

If you have any problems registering, please contact

Jérôme Ribesse
Executive Director
Synergie Santé Environnement
jribesse At sign/@
1 -514-885-6178


AUDITORIUM (250 places) – CHU Sainte – Justine – The CHU Sainte-Justine is located in Côte-des-Neiges area, in the block bounded by Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Decelles, Ellendale and Hudson streets. The auditorium is located in bloc 11.

Address:  3175, chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montréal H3T 1C5
Phone: 514 345-4931

By public transit
Metro stations:  Université-de-Montréal , Côte-des-neiges or Côte-Sainte-Catherine. 
Bus Line – # 129 bound east from Metro Côte-Sainte-Catherine and # 129 bound west from Metro Place-des-Arts. Schedule for # 129.

By car
Customer parking is now located west of CHU Sainte-Justine and is accessible from Chemin Côte-Sainte-Catherine.
Applicable fees

Montreal East – From Côte-Sainte-Catherine, drive past the hospital and use the access ramp to the public parking located to the right of the traffic lights.
Montreal West – From Côte-Sainte-Catherine, turn left at the lights, across from Collège Brébeuf and use the access ramp to get to the public parking facilities.


For conference participants and guests, special preferential rates have been negociated with Alt Hotel. Rate of $179 for single rooms and $199 for double rooms. To take advantage of these preferential rates, please contact directcly:

François Têtu
Business Development Manager
Alt Hotel

T. 514-375-2311



AUDITORIUM – CHU Sainte – Justine
October 15, 2019 – 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Jérôme Ribesse
Executive Director
Synergie Santé Environnement
1 -514-885-6178

Daniel Eriksson
Co-Director ,TEM
Founder.Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare
+46 (0)40-606 55 80